Encuentro de profesorado de español de Alberta 2025

Join us for a dynamic, full-day professional development experience designed to equip Spanish language teachers with innovative strategies to enhance student learning.

To make the most of your experience, please read the title and description of each session carefully before selecting. Some sessions will be conducted in Spanish, while others will be in English.

Saturday May 3, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm MDT
**This session is offered in Spanish.** 

Usando la serie de libros de Carla, Anaya, hemos creado un grupo de actividades durante el año escolar para potenciar la lectura y usar los temas de los libros para crear actividades multidisciplinares que cubren objetivos de español y otras materias. Siempre tratando de promover el interés por la lectura y por temas transversales interesantes.
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Andrés Sánchez

International Languages Consultant, Edmonton Catholic School Division
Andrés is the International Languages Consultant at ECSD. Born and raised in a small town by the Camino de Santiago, he is passionate about languages and has worked in schools in three different countries. He likes going for walks with family and friends, playing musical instruments... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm MDT
Room 8

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